A novel with incredible prescience from late 1800’s about the perpetual corruption of the elites and out of control oppression of the working class, set in late 80’s of our time. Only if the steam could have been released before the revolution! And oh, the dangers of massive revolution. He seemed to predict computer screens and AI news, advanced weaponry, globalization, Capitalism, the collapse of Democracy, the insane corruption at al levels, and the split in society between the halves and the have nots.
Some great monologues in the struggle for power and to wrangle the will of the people. It’s uncanny how important this message is now in the 2020’s, and I won’t spoil the ending about what the true possibilities are for humanity. We are also treated to a couple traditional romantic love stories along the way.
I. The Great City – 00:00
II. My Adventure – 24:38
III. The Beggar’s Home – 33:57
IV. The Under world – 56:30
V. Estella Washington – 1:11:28
VI. The Interview – 1:24:59
VII. The Hiding place – 1:45:14
VIII. The Brotherhood – 1:56:39
IX. The Poisoned Knife – 2:10:42
X. Preparations for Tonight – 2:35:08
XI. How The World Came to be Ruined – 2:41:14
XII. Gabriel’s Utopia – 3:06:31
XIII. The Council of the Oligarchy – 3:36:47
XIV. The Spy’s Story – 3:49:57
XV. The Master of “The Demons” – 4:07:50
XVI. Gabriel’s Folly – 4:17:28
XVII. The Flight and Pursuit – 4:22:30
XVIII. The Execution – 4:33:52
XIX. The Mamelukes of the Air – 4:49:44
XX. The Workingmen’s Meeting – 5:02:44
XXI. A Sermon of the Twentieth Century – 5:37:48
XXII. Estella and I – 6:05:34
XXIII. Max’s Story—The Songstress – 6:18:30
XXIV. Max’s Story Continued — The Journeyman Printer – 6:31:17
XXV. Max’s Story Continued— The Dark Shadow – 6:47:14
XXVI. Max’s Story Continued—The Widow and her Son – 7:03:16
XXVII. Max’s Story Continued —The Blacksmith Shop – 7:11:48
XXVIII. Max’s Story Concluded— The Unexpected Happens – 7:16:55
XXIX. Elysium – 7:30:22
XXX. Upon the Housetop – 7:49:16
XXXI. ‘Sheol’ – 7:56:57
XXXII. The Rat-trap – 8:04:42
XXXIII. ‘The Ocean Overpeers its List’ – 8:12:47
XXXIV. The Prince Gives his Last Bride – 8:22:32
XXXV. The Liberated Prisoner – 8:31:15
XXXVI. Cesar Erects his Monument – 8:42:49
XXXVII. The Second Day – 8:58:34
XXXVIII. The Flight – 9:08:31
XXXIX. Europe – 9:24:21
XL. The Garden in the Mountains – 9:33:45