The History of Magic Volume 1 by Dr. Joseph Ennemoser

The History of Magic, Volume 1 – Dr. Joseph Ennemoser.

Joseph Ennemoser (1787-1854) was an Tyrolean doctor and scientist, noted for his use of magnetism and hypnosis. He was a forerunner of Freud in his belief in the connection between the mind and physical health, and his interest in psychology led to investigations into the paranormal and magic. He became well known for his presentations about magic, delusions and apparently supernatural occurrences. He suggested that most of these phenomena appeared miraculous only because of a lack of understanding of the laws of nature.

The History of Magic was published in Leipzig in 1844, and translated into English in 1854 by William Howitt, a leading Spiritualist writer. Volume 1 deals with the different categories of magic and mysticism, and how they were viewed in ancient times. He discusses visions, dreams and soothsaying, and miracles in the Bible, and the link between classical medicine and oracles.

Chapter Index

00:00 – Editor’s Preface

3:50 – Author’s Preface

42:17 – Of Magic and its Branches in General

4:56:47 – Theoretical Views On Magic Among The Ancients

6:55:53 – Magic among the Orientals

9:23:42 – Magic among the Egyptians

11:02:26 – Magic among the Israelites

14:03:20 – Magic among the Greeks and Romans
Author: Graham