Utopia by Thomas More

Thomas More’s “Utopia” is one of the most influential books in western literature. Within “Utopia” is described an idealized island community upon which perfect social harmony has been achieved. On this island all property is community owned, violence is nonexistent and everyone has the opportunity to work and live in an environment of religious tolerance. Many social movements throughout history have drawn upon More’s work for inspiration. While possibly unachievable Thomas More’s “Utopia” gives a vision of what could be.

Preface – 00:00

Prefatory Epistle; Thomas More to Peter Giles, Greetings – 3:57

Book One – 15:24

Book Two – 1:34:38

Their Cities, Particularly of Amaurot – 1:41:48

Their Magistrates – 1:47:19

Their Occupations – 1:50:14

Their Social Relations – 2:01:16

Their Travel – 2:12:42

Their Wealth – 2:15:34

Their Philosophies – 2:26:53

Their Learning – 2:53:34

Their Slaves – 2:59:20

Their Death – 3:00:41

Their Marriage – 3:02:40

Their Laws and Punishments – 3:07:22

Their Foreign Policies – 3:13:43

Their Military Affairs – 3:19:04

Their Religions – 3:39:08

Their True Commonwealth – 4:06:19

Letters and Commendations; Thomas More to Peter Giles, Greetings – 4:44:56