- FREE THIS MONTH In 1900 Bernard Shaw completed the difficult task of drafting the Fabian’s society position in the manifest Fabianism and the Empire. The society’s progressive program advocated for socialist values, social justice and women rights. Against the background of these modern and leftist values though, the society’s position on imperialism is somehow astonishing....
- FREE THIS MONTH Enjoy Notes on the Scientific and Religious Mysteries of Antiquity; the Gnosis and Secret Schools of the Middle Ages; Modern Rosicrucianism; and the Various Rites and Degrees of Free and Accepted Masonry. ©2022 Adultbrain Publishing (P)2022 Adultbrain Publishing https://adultbrain.ca/register/ Preface – 00:00 Chapter 1 – 2:18 Chapter 2 – 54:07 Chapter...
- FREE THIS MONTH In 1776 Adam Weishaupt, a respected German professor of Canon Law, founded a covert revolutionary group – The Illuminati – a secret society dedicated to destroying repressive regimes and shaping a world government in terms of Liberty and Equality. These ideals surfaced with violent emphasis during the French Revolution, which many saw...
- A year or so before the beginning of World War I, a young woman named Lisa la Giuffria is seduced by a white magician, Cyril Grey, and persuaded into helping him in a magical battle with a black magician and his black lodge. Grey is attempting to raise the level of his force by impregnating...
- The underground cult bestseller! Essays that redefine the psychogeographical nooks of autonomy. Recipes for poetic terror, anarcho -black magic, post-situ psychotropic surgery, denunciations of spiritual addictions to vapid infotainment cults – this is the bastard classic, the watermark impressed upon our minds. Where conscience informs praxis, and action infects consciousness, T.A.Z. is beginning to worm...
- Written in Greek by an intellectual Roman emperor without any intention of publication, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius offer a wide range of fascinating spiritual reflections and exercises developed as the leader struggled to understand himself and make sense of the universe. Spanning from doubt and despair to conviction and exaltation, they cover such diverse topics...
- I care not how humble your bookshelf may be, nor how lowly the room which it adorns. Close the door of that room behind you, shut off with it all the cares of the outer world, plunge back into the soothing company of the great dead, and then you are through the magic portal into...
- Siddhartha is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of an Indian man named Siddhartha during the time of the Buddha.The book, Hesse’s ninth novel (1922), was written in German, in a simple, powerful, and lyrical style. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s....
- Discover the key to the world’s esoteric traditions, and unlock some of the most fascinating and closely held secrets of myth, religion, and philosophy. Unrivaled in its beauty and completeness, this classic reference distills ancient and modern teachings of nearly 600 experts. Compelling themes range from the riddle of the Sphinx and the tenets of Pythagorean...
- Malleus Maleficarum, usually translated as The Hammer of Witches, is the best known treatise on witchcraft. It was written by the German Catholic clergyman Heinrich Kramer, and first published in the German city of Speyer in 1486. It has been described as the compendium of literature in demonology of the 15th century. The top theologians of the...
- Written 1902 (CW 8)“As simultaneously mysticism and fact, Christianity is a breakthrough in the historical development of humanity, for which the mysteries, with the results that they brought about, form a prior evolutionary stage.” ―Rudolf Steiner During the fall and winter of 1901–02, Steiner gave a series of lectures called “Christianity as Mystical Fact” to...
- Account of A Vampire. (1738). By Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d’Argens. – 00:00 Dead Persons in Hungary Who Suck The Blood Of The Living. (1746) By Antoine Augustin Calmet. – 2:24 The Vampyre. (1819). By John William Polidori. – 5:29 The Black Vampyre; A Legend of St. Domingo. (1819) By. Uriah Derick D’Arcy. – 1:02:04...
- The spiritual life depends on self-recollection and detachment from the rush of life; it depends on facing frankly the thought of death; it is signalized, especially, by the identification of self with others, even of the guiltless with the guilty. Spirituality is sometimes spoken of as if it were a kind of moral luxury, a...
- Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus is the founding stone of Western esotericism. Hermes is regarded as being the author of numerous philosophical and spiritual texts, including the Divine Pymander. Even though the historical existence of Hermes is not clear, he has been regarded as the master of wisdom and the initiator of the divine knowledge for centuries....
- A novel with incredible prescience from late 1800’s about the perpetual corruption of the elites and out of control oppression of the working class, set in late 80’s of our time. Only if the steam could have been released before the revolution! And oh, the dangers of massive revolution. He seemed to predict computer screens...
- Everybody’s Political What’s What? By George Bernard Shaw Sound interesting? The author thinks so too! Listen to Everybody’s Political What’s What? and learn about politics today! IS HUMAN NATURE INCURABLY DEPRAVED? 00:00 THE LAND QUESTION 16:49 THE BRITISH PARTY SYSTEM 1:00:20 ...
- FREE THIS MONTH The New World Order – H.G. Wells. One of the central texts in explaining the psychopathic drive of elitists to enslave the world in a unified empire. H. G. Wells was an insider with a British group tasked with the revival of their once great empire—this time in conjunction with Venetian Black...
- The Pivot of Civilization, By Margaret Sanger Birth control, Mrs. Sanger claims, and claims rightly, to be a question of fundamental importance at the present time. I do not know how far one is justified in calling it the pivot or the cornerstone of a progressive civilization. These terms involve a criticism of metaphors that...
- This guide offers a modern interpretation of Hermetic doctrine, distilling its teachings into seven compelling principles that can be applied to self-development in daily life. For centuries, the legendary Egyptian man-god Hermes Trismegistus – regarded as the father of astrology, alchemy, and other magical arts – inspired writers and readers of occult literature. In 1908,...
- Varney the VAMPIRE!Great Grand-Father of the way we know vampires in modern writing and culture. Written in 1845-47 and still going strong after over 170 years! Featured in TV shows, books, movies, youtube video shorts, and has a long and connected history in the Marvel Comics Universe. An epic tale that was told in parts...
- In Carmilla, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu created one of the great Gothic tales that has haunted readers for almost two hundred years. One of a series of stories about the vampire Countess Bathory and her companion Reides, this chilling tale tells how a young girl falls under the spell of another girl who turns out...
- Wild Talents is the fourth and final nonfiction book written by paranormal author Charles Fort. In recounting a wide variety of odd phenomena, Fort largely disregards his previous teleportation theory, or at least incorporates it into his new thesis. Rather than a vague “cosmic joker”, as he postulated in his earlier books, the responsibility for these...
- This book came out at the beginning of the UFO craze, seventy years ago. With continuing interest in the subject (History series Project Blue Book, Ancient Aliens, etc.), The Flying Saucers are Real is great resource for those curious about the early days of this field. This edition has been updated for modern...
- Zinfaendel – The Mystic’s Path of Self-Knowledge It is sometimes said that at the heart of all spiritual traditions, we find essentially the same values of love, virtue, and altruism. However, one notion consistently resurfaces even more prominently in the discourse of the greatest mystics throughout history: self-knowledge. Far beyond a mere psychological endeavour, the...
- REPORT OF MEETINGS OF SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY PANEL ON UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS CONVENED BY OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, CIA January 14 – 18, 1953 Part I: History of Meetings of Panel – 00:00 Part II: Comments and Suggestions of Panel – 9:51 Tab A: Report of Panel – 41:20
- The issue between the old regime and the new, the crux of the social problem, is entirely a question of conviction in the minds of the people as to the nature of the Universe. When they realize that the transcendent force of spirit or mind of the Cosmos is within each individual, it will be...
- Lo! Welcome to the worlds of Charles Fort, chronicler of the odd, the weird, the strange, the unexpected, and the inexplicable. In words at times as beautiful as anything ever written in English, Fort reveals the marvels of an age, questions the nature of what we think we know for certain, and provides the listener...
- The Secret Doctrine Volume 1 Cosmogenesis. The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy, a book originally published as two volumes in 1888, is Helena P. Blavatsky’s magnum opus. The first volume is named Cosmogenesis, the second Anthropogenesis. It was an influential example of the revival of interest in esoteric and occult ideas...
- Following the success of his 1937 landmark bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil, an exposé on the methods the Devil uses to ensnare and control the minds of human beings. Exploring the innermost depths of the psychology of motivation to understand why so many individuals, including himself, cannot find the...
- The Third British Empire. Sir Alfred Eckhard Zimmern (1879–1957) was an English classical scholar, historian, and political scientist writing on international relations. His book, The Third British Empire, was among the first to apply the expression “British Commonwealth” to the British Empire. He is also credited with the phrase “welfare state”, which was made popular...
- The Problems of Philosophy is a 1912 book by Bertrand Russell, in which the author attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. Focusing on problems he believes will provoke positive and constructive discussion, Russell concentrates on knowledge rather than metaphysics: If it is uncertain that external objects exist, how can...
- Hints on Esoteric Theosophy #1. These letters are published with the permission of the writers, not because any of them are altogether free from errors and misconceptions, but because it is hoped that they may help to explain to all interested in the question the present position of Theosophy, and, by increasing the earnestness of...
- The Secret of Plato’s Atlantis, Lord Arundell of Wardour Philosophy is the study of problems concerning matters as fundamental as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Pythagoras (c. 570–495 BC) is said to have coined the term. Philosophical methods were applied through questioning, critical discussion, rational arguments, and systematic presentations on questions like “Is...
- On Youtube: The Lost Language of Symbolism, Volume 1. An Inquiry Into the Origin of Certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy-Tales, Folklore, and Mythologies. By Harold Bayley Mining information from mythology, folklore, religious texts, and fairy tales from around the world, a foremost expert on symbols explains word origins and their meanings. The ultimate symbols are...
- The Occult World The book begins with the author’s allegation that there is a school of thought which modern culture has forgotten, and that the metaphysics, and to a large degree the present physical science, “have been groping for centuries blindly after knowledge which occult philosophy has enjoyed in full measure all the while”. Sinnett...
- A SERIES IN ELEVEN LESSONS in KARMA YOGA (THE YOGI PHILOSOPHY OF THOUGHT-USE) and THE YOGIN DOCTRINE OF WORK Bhikshu is a Sanskrit word; it is the technical designation for a fully ordained Buddhist monk, one who leads a pure and celibate life and who upholds the basic 250 monastic regulations (227 in the Theravada...
- In the design of this book three primary themes interlace and pursue and develop each other.There is first, that invention and science have completely altered the material environment ofhuman life. Next, that the disruptive driving force of an excess of bored and unemployed young men., which must in some manner find relief, will probably shatter...
- Psychiatric Services Branch, Department of Public Health, and Department of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan I. Introduction . II. Biochemistry of Adrenochrome III. Action of Adrenochrome on Cells IV. Effect of Adrenochrome on Fish V. Effect of Adrenochrome on Spiders VI. Effect of Adrenochrome on Pigeons VII. Effect of Adrenochrome on Mammals A. Mice...
- The Science of Immortality, by D.N. Dunlop The contents of this volume consist of addresses delivered at various times before Lodges of the Theosophical Society and selected for their reference to the subject of immortality. Some of them were published in The Path, Vol. II. In order to make the chapters more or less coherent,...
- This version of The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution was published in 1928. Apparently Wells knew this would be a temporary version and would stop printing after a year or so. It was rewritten a couple of times between then and 1933 under various other subtitles. The book is, in Wells’ words,...
- The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond modern scientists’ comprehension. Their age is astounding, dating back 36,000 years B.C. Thoth is an Atlantean Priest-King who established a colony in ancient Egypt after the mother country was sunk. He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which...
- On Youtube Soon to be on Audible The Symbolism of the Tarot. P.D. Ouspensky No study of occult philosophy is possible without an acquaintance with symbolism, for if the words occultism and symbolism are correctly used, they mean almost one and the same thing. Symbolism cannot be learned as one learns to build bridges or...
- On Youtube: IN THEIR OWN WORDS – Testimony from the Students of Canada’s Indigenous Residential School Program. You can find a free ebook of this book and Darren’s other two books at the link below. What is the cost of an education? Is education an additive process, or a reductive one? How does one weigh...
- What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of its Disciples This early work by Hall is devoted to the study of the ancient Mystery Schools and the work they have done in the world throughout the various ages. There is also a treatise on the path of discipleship. The listener of this audiobook is equipped to discriminate...
- On Youtube: John Uri Lloyd’s Cult Classic from 1901! ETIDORHPA, or, the End of the Earth. The Strange History of a Mysterious Being and the Account of a Remarkable Journey. PART 1 to Chapter 30 only For a great hard copy visit NightTimeEditions https://nighttimeeditions.wordpress.com/ and they have many amazing old cult classics on Inner Earth...
- Ever since the Greeks coined the language we commonly use for scientific description, mythology and science have developed separately. But what came before the Greeks? What if we could prove that all myths have one common origin in a celestial cosmology? What if the gods, the places they lived, and what they did are but...
- “ONE of the dam-dest in our whole saturnalia of the accursed Because it is hopeless to try to shake off an excommunication only by saying that we’re damned by blacker things than ourselves; and that the damned are those who admit they’re of the damned. Inertia and hypnosis are too strong for us. We...
- Included in this volume: -Unnamed Essay – 00:00 -Hit Where It Hurts – 6:30 -When Non-Violence is Suicide – 26:44 -Industrial Society and Its Future (aka The Unabomber Manifesto) – 31:50 Theodore Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, is a United States murderer, mathematician, and neo-Luddite social critic who carried out a campaign of mail...
- Think and Grow Rich has been called the “Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature.” It was the first book to boldly ask, “What makes a winner?” The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world’s winners himself. The most famous of all teachers of...
- Originally published in 1915 in the middle of World War I, Carpenter explores the effects that the war was having on society and humankind as a whole from firsthand experience. In particular, papers focus on the differences between Germany and England, the causes of the war, and suggestions for restoration and recovery when the war...
- Originally published in 1885. The Prehistoric World; or, Vanished Races, by E.A. Allen We are told that in Tartary, each native makes the iron he needs, just as every household would make its own bread. The furnace is a very small affair, not holding more than three pounds of ore. This is filled with ore...
- The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity – Read by the amazing Owen Hunt @bootsygreenwood Now in Audio, on Audible and everywhere else! Of all of his works, The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity is the one that Steiner himself believed would have the longest life, and the greatest spiritual and cultural consequences. It was written as a...
- Publisher’s Summary Volume one of the two-volume encyclopedia of Secret Societies. First written in 1875, this University Press edition duplicates the second edition of 1893, which was completely revised and rewritten. A fascinating work, to which any serious researcher of Secret Societies must eventually turn, the modern-day student of history must remember the scholarly and...
- This audiobook contains expert discussions of such myths and mythological figures as the milk goddess and her pot symbol, the jewel-water and mugwort goddess, goddesses of love and food, Tlaloc and the dragon, love and mother deities, Quetzalcoatl, and many more. Also, this audiobook focuses on symbolism, burial customs, and other topics. PREFACE – 00:00...
- Secret Societies and Subversive Movements – “There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House… I mean the secret societies…. It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe-the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing...
- The Arcane Schools – In this extensive work, John Yarker attempts to trace the history of Masonry and Masonic rites through history, proving its legitimacy through seniority and the power of tradition. Yarker establishes the roots of Masonry in a race he calls the Aryans, a catchall phrase to describe an unknown race of conquerors...
- The Last Book in the Light of the World Series 00:00 – Chapter 1 1:54:54 – Chapter 2 2:46:43 – Chapter 3 3:41:27 – Chapter 4 4:55:18 – Chapter 5 5:47:00 – Chapter 6 6:32:16 – Chapter 7 7:09:20 – Chapter 8 7:53:34 – Chapter 9 8:48:10 – Chapter 10 10:09:22 – chapter 11 11:07:54...
- [T]he drama opens in Revelation the same as in “the Book of the Dead,” with “the resurrection and the glory” of the coming Son. “Behold He cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see Him.” It is the risen Lord of Resurrection who says: “I was dead, and behold I am alive evermore, and...
- When roughly classed, the myths and legends generally show two points of departure for migrations of the human race, as these were rendered in the stellar and solar mythology. One is from the summit of the celestial mount, the other from the hollow underworld beneath the mount or inside the earth. The races that descended...
- After the deluge in “the destruction of mankind” the god Ra establishes a covenant with those who have escaped from the flood. He says that what he commanded is well done, and that the destruction of his enemies removes destruction from themselves. “Said by the majesty of Ra, It is well done, all this. I...
- When the word Sheol in the Old Testament is rendered in English by “the grave,” it is inadequate times out of number. The Hebrew writers were not always speaking or thinking of the grave when they wrote of Sheol, which has to be bottomed in Amenta, the divine nether-earth, not simply in the tomb. The...
- [I]t was not the genesis of the universe that is imaged in astronomical mythology. The firmament was there; already waiting to be distinguished as upper and lower, and divided into the domains of night and day, or Sut and Horus, or Ansar and Kisar. The constellations were not created from nothing when they were figured...
- The origin of a saviour in the guise of a little child is traceable to Child-Horus, who brought new life to Egypt every year as the Messu of the inundation. This was Horus in his pre-solar and pre-human characters of the fish, the shoot of the papyrus, or the branch of the endless years. In...
- There is no death in the Osirian religion, only decay and change, and periodic renewal; only evolution and transformation in the domain of matter and the transubstantiation into spirit. In the so-called death of Osiris it is rebirth, not death, exactly the same as in the changes of external nature. At the close of the...
- The two primary elements were those of darkness and light: Sut was the power of darkness, Horus the power of light. In one representation the two elements were imaged by means of the black bird of Sut and the white bird, or golden hawk, of Horus. Thus we can identify two elemental powers, as old...
- So ancient was Totemism in Egypt that the Totems of the human Mothers had become the signs of Goddesses, in whom the head of the beast was blended with the figure of the human female. The Totems of the human Mothers had attained the highest status as Totems of a Motherhood that was held to...
- “Myth-making Man” did not create the Gods in his own image. The primary divinities of Egypt, such as Sut, Sebek, and Shu, three of the earliest, were represented in the likeness of the Hippopotamus, the Crocodile, and the Lion; whilst Hapi was imaged as an Ape, Anup as a Jackal, Ptah as a Beetle, Taht...
- Of Occult Philosophy or of Magical Ceremonies: The Fourth Book – Henry Cornelius Agrippa. In our books of occult philosophy, we have not so compendiously, as copiously, declared the principles, grounds, and reasons of magick itself after what manner the experiments thereof are to be chosen, elected, and compounded to produce many wonderful effects; but...
- Publishers Summary God-Man: The Word Made Flesh Great book for exploring the esoteric meaning behind religious texts. Dynamos (our relation to and influence on the sun), balance, laws of nature, etc., are also explored in this book. Listen with an open mind. ©2020 Grimerica Inc (P)2020 Darren Grimes 00:00 –...
- “An history of magic, witchcraft, and animal magnetism. This book, “An history of magic, witchcraft and animal magnetism,” by J.C. Colquhoun, is a replication of a book originally published before 1851. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original...
- Annie Wood Besant (1847-1933) was a prominent Theosophist, women’s rights activist, writer, and orator. She was born in London into a middle-class family of Irish origin. She fought for the causes she thought were right, starting with freedom of thought, women’s rights, secularism (she was a leading member of the National Secular Society), birth control,...
- The History of the Supernatural in All Ages and Nations, Volume 2, by William Howitt. This two-volume history of the supernatural, first published in 1863, is a staggering feat: extending his work across almost a thousand pages, William Howitt attempts to describe the engagement with the supernatural in all ages and all parts of the...
- Things Kept Secret form the Foundation of the World…. “Probably you have read of the great successes of certain men who have made such wonderful and astounding names in the history of the world. Such men, whether they consciously or unconsciously knew the secret of their powers and successes, made themselves famous by unfolding their...
- The Ancient Wisdom, An Outline of Theosophical Teachings This audiobook is intended to place in the hands of the general listener an epitome of theosophical teachings, sufficiently plain to serve the elementary student, and sufficiently full to lay a sound foundation for further knowledge. It is hoped that it may serve as an introduction to...
- Hints to Young Students of Occultism. The growing interest in the higher life, and the general search for information that is helpful in attaining it, is sufficient reason for the publication of this little book. The purpose has not been to write of the subject in hand either exhaustively or systematically, but to put forward...
- The History of the Supernatural in All Ages and Nations, Volume 1 – William Howitt. This two-volume history of the supernatural, first published in 1863, is a staggering feat: Extending his work across almost a thousand pages, William Howitt attempted to describe the engagement with the supernatural in all ages and all parts of the...
- ALWAYS FREE This is an audio recording narrated by Graham of the new Buddhist style recovery book called Recovery Dharma, Preface Introduction The Practice Recovery is Possible
- The Wonders of the Invisible World was a book written by Cotton Mather and published in 1693. It was subtitled, Observations As well Historical as Theological, upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils. The book defended Mather’s role in the witchhunt conducted in Salem, Massachusetts. It espoused the belief that witchcraft...
- Pantheism, It’s Story and Significance. This antiquarian volume contains a fascinating treatise on pantheism, with information on its history, significance, variations, and much more. Written in clear, understandable language and full of insightful information on the subject, this book is a must-listen for those with an interest in pantheism, and it would make for a...
- The Behavior of Crowds – A Psychological Study. Since the publication of Le Bons’ book, The Crowd, little has been added to our knowledge of the mechanisms of crowd behavior. As a practical problem, the habit of crowd-making is daily becoming a more serious menace to civilization. Events are making it more and more clear that,...
- Sun Lore of All Ages By: William Tyler Olcott. Starting with solar creation myths, this volume explores ancient ideology surrounding the sun and moon, solar mythology, and solar folklore. An extended analysis of sun worship around the world leads to accounts of sun-catcher myths and solar festivals. Solar omens, traditions, and superstitions are discussed at...
- First published in 1909, this book consists of a series of lectures, first given in Pullman Memorial Church, Albion, New York. The purpose of these lectures is to consider the origin and nature of the Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry and to show the relation which they bear one to the other. Chapters include The...
- This is a guidebook on world control and management, a program that Wells believed should be orchestrated (and would be successful) through what he called the “Open Conspiracy”. This conspiracy is fully outlined in this work and is designed to be run by many separate organizations working together, as opposed to being run by just...
- The celebration, however, attracted but little attention; partly because those who credit the utility of the peculiar operation are indifferent to its early history, and partly because the modern notions respecting it are very widely different from those promulgated by Jenner himself. Besides, there is among profounder thinkers and observers a growing conviction that vaccination,...
- On AUDIBLE The Mystical Life of Jesus. This fascinating, non-sectarian treatment of the unknown life of Jesus is based on records preserved in the archives of ancient monasteries of the Essenes and the Rosicrucian Order. It is a full account of the birth, youth, early manhood, and later periods of Jesus’ life, containing the story...
- Proofs of a Conspiracy: Against All The Religions and Governments Of Europe, Carried On In The Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies. Proofs of a Conspiracy was written by John Robison, a Scottish professor, to warn Britain and other kingdoms that the forces that toppled the French monarchy and started The Terror were...
- Lectures on Ancient Philosophy – Complete in itself, this volume originated as a commentary and expansion of Manly P. Hall’s masterpiece of symbolic philosophy, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. In Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Manly P. Hall expands on the philosophical, metaphysical, and cosmological themes introduced in his classic work, The Secret Teachings of...
- Narrating by the magical Joe Rupe! What do ideas look like? This clairvoyant view of the shape, color, and atmospheric effect of mental energy includes black-and-white drawings and color plates to convey a graphic representation of the power of thought. Prominent Theosophists Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater were pioneers in asserting that thoughts are,...
- Practical Occultism – H.P. Blavatsky. Occultism is not magic. It is comparatively easy to learn the trick of spells and the methods of using the subtler, but still material, forces of physical nature; the powers of the animal soul in man are soon awakened; the forces that his love, his hate, his passion, can call...
- The Religion of the Chinese This book details the history, rituals, and beliefs of the major traditional religions of China: universal animism, polydemonism, specters, ancestral worship, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. He thought that one spiritual essence could be detected beneath a great variety of religious, philosophical, and even political expressions in China, and his lifework...
- Vaccination – Proved Useless and Dangerous from Forty Five Years of Registration Statistics This early work by Alfred Russel Wallace was originally published in 1893, and we are now republishing it. “Forty-five Years of Registration Statistics, Proving vaccination to be both Useless and Dangerous” is a letter in which Wallace outlines his reasons for being...
- Mysticism and Logic. The first essay, which gives its title to the volume, endeavors to define the respective spheres of logic and mysticism. Bertrand Russell describes this and the four essays that follow as “entirely popular”. They are concerned with “The Place of Science in a Liberal Education”, “A Free Man’s Worship”, and “The Study...
- A radical review of the last 100 years intended as a counterpoint to the rampant revisionism of the flurry of books glorifying the ‘American Century.’ By offering a radical review of the last one hundred years of US history, Understanding the F-Word is intended as a counterpoint to the rampant revisionism of the flurry of...
- The Esoteric Structure of The Alphabet This audiobook will change your view of symbols, their meaning, and how they affect our world. Kuhn is an exquisite genius in showing how our alphabet was formed and how language dictates reality. Get it! The spiritual life depends on self-recollection and detachment from the rush of life; it...
- The Third and Last Book of Magick, or Occult Philosophy – Henry Cornelius Agrippa. Now it is time to turn our pen to higher matters, and to that part of magick which teacheth us to know and perfectly understand the rules of religion, and how we ought to obtain the truth by divine religion, and...
- The Second Book of Occult Philosophy, or Magick, Henry Cornelius Agrippa. “The Doctrines of Mathematicks are so necessary to, and have such an affinity with Magick, that they that do profess it without them, are quite out of the way, and labour in vain, and shall in no wise obtain their desired effect. For whatsoever...
- In the last half of 1509 and the first months of 1510, Cornelius Agrippa, known in his day as a magician Occult Philosophy or Magic- Natural Magic, Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Volume 1 Which Includes the Early Life of Agrippa, His Seventy-Four Chapters on Natural Magic In the last half of 1509 and the first months...
- Publisher’s Summary Fort was a pioneer in the study of paranormal and unexplained phenomena, and “New Lands” is considered one of his most significant works. In the book, Fort explores a wide range of topics, including strange weather patterns, mysterious disappearances, and unusual geological phenomena. Fort believed that many of these phenomena were linked and...
- The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, Volume 3. This volume completes the papers left to Annie Besant by H.P. Blavatsky with the exception of a few scattered articles. Annie had the difficult task of publishing hundreds of notes as this third volume, and while only making grammatical corrections and filling in...
- The Secret Doctrine Vol 2: Anthropogenesis. The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy, a book originally published as two volumes in 1888, is Helena P. Blavatsky’s magnum opus. The first volume is named Cosmogenesis, the second Anthropogenesis. It was an influential example of the revival of interest in esoteric and occult ideas in the...
- ISIS Unveiled Volume 2. Although named after the Egyptian goddess Isis – a figure widely associated with magic and nature – this book’s scope ranges far beyond Ancient Egypt. The author examines the ancient spiritual pantheons of the East, with chapters on Buddhism and Hinduism. These ancient beliefs are strongly believed to hold much value...
- Publisher’s Summary Although named after the Egyptian goddess Isis – a figure widely associated with magic and nature – this audiobook’s scope ranges far beyond ancient Egypt. The author examines the ancient spiritual pantheons of the East, with sections upon Buddhism and Hinduism. These ancient beliefs are strongly believed to hold much value by the...
- A Canadian Shame: The Indian Act and Residential Schools. A Canadian Shame is a disturbing collection of information that forces every listener to meditate on the atrocities of government and institutions. Grimes’ heritage and personal experience make him the perfect author for this book, but the superior documentation is what makes it as credible as...
- Electroculture is a method of applying atmospheric electricity to the fertilization of plant life, and has, during the past few years, developed to such an extent that it is to-day being practised in many of the countries of the world, viz.: France, England, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, etc. Its success has been...
- World Brain is a collection of essays and addresses by the English science fiction pioneer, social reformer, evolutionary biologist and historian H. G. Wells, dating from the period of 1936–1938. Throughout the book, Wells describes his vision of the World Brain: a new, free, synthetic, authoritative, permanent “World Encyclopaedia” that could help world citizens make the best use of universal information resources and...
- Wake not the Dead: —they bring but gloomy night And cheerless desolation into day; For in the grave who mouldering lay, No more can feel the influence of light, Or yield them to the sun’s prolific might; Let them repose within their house of clay— Corruption, vainly wilt thou e’er essay To quicken: —it sends...
- The Last Lords of Gardonal. (1867). William Gilbert. Its author, William Gilbert (1804–1890) was an English writer and Royal Navy surgeon. He was also the father of W. S. Gilbert, a dramatist, librettist, poet and illustrator. ONE of the most picturesque objects of the valley of the Engadin is the ruined castle of Gardonal, near...
- The Vampyre. (1819) John William Polidori. This is the first published modern vampire story, it was written by John William Polidori (1795–1821), English writer and physician, although it was originally attributed to Lord Byron, later both Byron and Polidori affirmed that the story is Polidori’s. It was published in The New Monthly Magazine (a British...
- We’ve all heard about the Monroe Institute and Out of Body Experiences…. Well this little report is fascinating look from a scientific perspective – or at least as scientific as you can probably get from 1983. How does the gateway program work? Out of Body Experiences and Astral Travel. Imagine how far the black project...
- ARCHIMAGO, the wicked magician (whose other name you may remember was Hypocrisy,) who had worked such mischief to Una and the Red Cross Knight, was very angry when he found that in the end all his evil wiles were defeated, and that the Knight and the lady were happily betrothed. He would willingly have brought...
- Britomart is a female knight, the embodiment and champion of Chastity. She is young and beautiful, and falls in love with Artegal upon first seeing his face in her father’s magic mirror. Though there is no interaction with him, she falls in love with him, and travels, dressed as a knight and accompanied by her...
- The Wisdom of the Ancients, or rather, De Sapientia Veterum (for it was written in Latin), is a short treatise on the mythology of the ancients, by which Francis Bacon endeavors to discover and to show the physical, moral, and political meanings it concealed. If the listener is not convinced that the ancients understood by these fables all...
- From Ritual to Romance is a 1920 book written by Jessie L. Weston. The work is notable for being mentioned by T. S. Eliot in the notes to his poem, The Waste Land: Not only the title, but the plan and a good deal of the incidental symbolism of the poem were suggested by Miss Jessie L....
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